Get involved with your branch!
One of the things we often get asked is what does a CAMRA branch do? Halton CAMRA is a small branch (210 members) and because of this it is easy to see what everyone does and what good fun it is to get involved!
The branch has bi-monthly meetings always held at pubs that serve quality real ale!! A recent meeting was held at the Norton Arms, Halton Village – a historic multi award winning pub. As with all activities any members are encouraged to come along and are made welcome.
A pleasurable duty of the branch is to survey all the pubs in Halton that serve real ale and to ensure that the entries on the Whatpub website are kept up to date. Many members are responsible for different pubs and my own patch includes the Grapes in Widnes and the Four Topped Oak. It is always good to survey these pubs and see what has changed, or sometimes to find a pub that unexpectedly has started to keep real ale!
Halton CAMRA has appointed a new Social Secretary and she has just nearly completed her first programme of social activities. These include trips to beer festivals, local pub surveys and brewery trips. Recent highlights have been trips to Birmingham, Stockport beer festival and a Christmas crawl to Chorlton.
Volunteers from the branch have helped at festivals such as the Cheshire Beerfest and those in Liverpool, Manchester, and even Bristol! Help can range from staffing the bar, setting up and taking down the festivals, ordering the beer or many other roles. The branch are even looking at nominating certain pubs as Assets of Community Value and members can work with other pub regulars and liaise with the planning department to achieve this!
If this appeals to you and you are in CAMRA, come on board and join in! If you are not in CAMRA, join up and take part – you will be made very welcome!